Pablo-Martín Córdoba

· 发表于 · 2023-12-15 14:38:11
Pablo-Martín Córdoba

Pablo-Martín Córdoba


Pablo-Martín Córdoba资料

Contemporary artist living and working in Paris. After a first autodidact artistic experience followed by studies in Art History and Contemporary Art and Photography, Pablo-Martín Córdoba structures his work around the notions of temporality and movement. Both the latent movement in the still image and the stillness constructed from motion define a homogeneous domain where the digital image becomes a plastic material. The expansion of the spatiotemporal domain is doubled of a medial questioning which implies a free exploration of digital technologies, its possibilities and its limits. In this context, and by means of photomontages, videos and installations, the artist proposes a particular vision of reality without excluding shifts towards fiction. His work has been exhibited worldwide.

2020Postdigital Flipbook0
Laurence Bru
Laurence Bru 人气:883

Nobuyuki Hiyama
Nobuyuki Hiyama 人气:348

  檜山修之——日本声优,代表作:《幽☆遊☆白書》——飛影、《B'T-X》——高宮鉄兵、《ONE PIECE》Mr.3,《BLEACH》——斑目一角。MD经典格斗游戏《幽☆遊☆白書 魔強統一戦》——飛影,黄晓明版《新上海滩》——丁力(日语版配音)。

Lola Fisher
Lola Fisher 人气:347

Weishuai Wang
Weishuai Wang 人气:344

Mélanie Dermont
Mélanie Dermont 人气:341

Yang Tianxiang
Yang Tianxiang 人气:338

杨天翔,中国内地青年配音男演员。“729声工场”成员。 代表作有电视剧《古剑奇谭》方兰生、《老九门》二月红,动画《狐妖小红娘》白月初、《东郭小节》墨子轩、《魔道祖师》金光瑶,游戏《仙剑奇侠传六》居十方、《梦间集》君子剑,广播剧《杀破狼》长庚、《默读》费渡、《紫罗兰永恒花园》基尔伯特·不甘比利亚等。

Urano Hihira
Urano Hihira 人气:308

Jake Paque
Jake Paque 人气:300

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